Mobility, Stretch & Core Camp for Athletes (11am)

This camp is for athletes looking to improve their performance by:
 - Improving mobility & flexibility
- Enhancing core strength & stability
- Reducing risk of injuries and setbacks

Chrisanthi will provide individualized attention with hands-on instruction ensuring a true learning experience for each athlete. 
You will learn dynamic stretching exercises and mobility drills to increase joint flexibility and range of motion. These movements will help prevent injuries and improve movement quality. You will also engage in targeted exercises to build a solid core foundation that is essential for power generation giving you control and stability in various positions. 

Date: April 27, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Location: On-Site
Spaces Left: 10 Capacity: 10
Event Prices:
$20.00 - Camp Price

Registration is closed for this event.